Christmas can be a special time and one that means different things to all of us.
Hear from some of Slough Children First’s carers about what Christmas means to them and their experiences with the holiday.

“We don’t follow the religion of Christmas but do get together with family. We like the idea of Christmas for the children.
Both children will be making dough handprints – one child will give to their mother, the other child will give to their dad.”

“Christmas is about celebrating Jesus and why we are doing it. It’s all about family getting together with presents.
Our child will be happy. Also, they will be seeing their real parents as well over Christmas.”

“Christmas to us is all about family – being together, food and presents for the children. We are excited to have children around for Christmas.
The children are also very excited as they have received a letter from Santa saying they are on the ‘Good’ list.”

“I love Christmas and going to get gifts for Respite children.
The last time we had the children, it was back in November – they were very excited then about Christmas.”

“To sum it up, Christmas is family time and everyone being together and enjoying themselves.”

“Christmas is family time, celebrations.
In fact the whole family will be going on holiday this Christmas.”

“Christmas is about family.
We always include the children we are currently looking after and previous children as well. We have an extended and extending family.”

“It is a special spiritual time with family, celebrating the birth of Christ.
We are continuously doing activities, children things, because of the child we are caring for to keep him entertained.”

“We do not celebrate Christmas but family celebrations are very important.
A special opportunity to celebrate quality time together – to express how much they mean to you and how much you care. It is a time to relax, seeing family you have not seen for ages.”

“Christmas is a busy time.
We are going away to see family on Christmas day. The child we are caring for loves Christmas and we turn the house into a grotto.
She is very excited because four days after Christmas it is her birthday so she knows she will be receiving two lots of presents. You should always try to make things as nice as you can for the child.”

“Christmas for me was the one time of the year where we got spoilt.
My Mum always made sure we had a lovely time – five happy children new pjs, slippers, dressing gown it gave a warm secure feeling. I do the same with my children and the children I look after as I want them to take away and remember the good Christmases; not just for the presents but the time we get to spend with family as some children never experience this family fun.”

“The child we are currently caring for is not keen on Christmas as there’s been a few bad memories.
We are trying to change it and give her better memories at Christmas. There are signs that she may start to enjoy it this year!”

“We do not celebrate Christmas, but for our foster child, we have presents, Christmas tree to make it more like Christmas for him.”